Larger water mains, new sewer separation lines and improved service are part of the Phase 1B utility improvements at Harrison Square that get underway next week.
Beginning Monday, Ewing Street will be closed from Baker Street to Washington Boulevard. Traffic will be rerouted along Baker Street to Calhoun Street to Washington Boulevard and then back to Ewing Street heading north. The street is expected to be closed for three months.
Additionally, Jefferson Boulevard will have lane restrictions for about the next three weeks at the intersection of Ewing Street. By Wednesday of next week the two lanes on the north side of Jefferson will be closed while workers place stormwater pipes. Those lanes will be closed for about a week and a half. Once that work is completed the two lanes on the south side of Jefferson will close for the placing of stormwater pipes.
During the construction the traffic signals at Jefferson and Ewing and Jefferson and Webster will become flashing signals to help facilitate the movement of traffic through the area, however, considerable congestion and delays can be anticipated as Jefferson Boulevard is reduced to two lanes. Motorists should avoid the area if possible, especially during rush hour.
The sewer and water improvements are part of the Harrison Square project and are designed to meet the needs of the project as well as provide capacity and service for future growth in the surrounding area. It also allows the city to upgrade century old infrastructure. The existing combined sewer was constructed in 1882 and is made of brick. A separate sanitary sewer and storm sewer will replace the old 54-inch brick combined sewer pipe. These new sewers will redirect wastewater and stormwater to a sewer system that has the capacity to more adequately covey the water from the area.
Additionally, 4-inch cast iron water mains constructed in 1900 will be replaced with larger mains along Ewing Street and Webster Street. Two additional hydrants will also be added to enhance fire protection in the area. Sanitary sewers and storm sewers will be added on Ewing and a storm sewer will be added on Webster between Brackenridge and Douglass Street and along Brackenridge between Webster and Ewing. Webster Street will remain open during construction.
The cost of the project is $840,000. The Redevelopment Commission will pay two thirds of the cost and City Utilities one third.