The way you landscape your property and care for your lawn can have a big impact on the quality of Fort Wayne's streams, ponds and rivers.  Read more....
"Grasscycling" is a practice that will save you time and energy when you mow.  Leaving grass clippings on the lawn means no bagging and disposal for you and keeps grass clippings from going to the lawndfill.  It also reduces the need to add fertilizer.  
Composting is another stormwater friendly lawncare practice is that reduces water pollution, keeps yard debris out of the landfill and helps keep grass clippings and other yard waste from clogging storm sewer inlets.
City Utilities offers an environmentally friendly soil amendment/fertilizer type product called biosolids.  Made up of cleaned and treated sewage by-products and composted yard waste, biosolids can be used as a compost or top-dressing for lawns and landscaping.  The material is available for pick-up at City Utilities Biosolids/Compost Facility at 6202 Lake Avenue. 2019 Biosolids Information
Yard waste may also be dropped off for disposal at the Biosolids/Compost Facility.  Leaves, grass clippings, brush and limbs are accepted.  Root balls, sod, soil and plant material that includes soil are not accepted.  A disposal fee applies.