Mayor to Attend Energy Summit

Mayor Graham Richard will attend the U.S. Conference of Mayors Energy and Environment Summit May 10-11 in Chicago, Ill. The topics will include climate changes, green buildings, municipal fleets, alternative fuels, hybrid technology, and energy and environment best practices.

Last year, the City created a Green City Initiative designed to reduce energy and improve the environment. Green City Initiative highlights:

* Green Ribbon Commission established to develop a comprehensive energy and air quality plan

* 13 hybrid vehicles in use and 16 vehicles that run on ethanol fuel

* 300 vehicles running on biodiesel fuel

* Fuel savings; over $217,000

* Construct a new mile of greenway along the Towpath Trail. The trail will eventually link the City and New Haven with the Aboite area. More than four miles of the Rivergreenway will be paved in 2006

Mayor Richard is a member of the U.S. Conference of Mayors.


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