The City of Fort Wayne wants YOU to become a Storm Drain Steward! One of the ways you can do this is by marking storm drains. 


Fort Wayne, like many communities around the country, wants to call attention to the storm drains in our community and remind people that they should never dump anything down a storm drain. Most stormwater runoff that goes into a storm drain does not receive any kind of water quality treatment before it goes into a pond, stream or one of the City's rivers. That means that anything that enters a storm drain also goes directly to a water body. Marking storm drains in your neighborhood is easy to do. The City provides all  of the markers, equipment, and safety supplies that you need. 

The Process

1. Clean the spot where the marker will be places using a wire brush.
2. Apply adhesive to the back of the marker. 
3. Place the marker and press down.
4. Wipe up any excess adhesive that may have oozed out from under the marker.
5. Move on to the next location.
no dumping
The City provides information that you can distribute to your friends and neighbors so they will know why the markers have been applied. To volunteer to mark storm drains in your neighborhood or for more information, please contact the City by calling 311 or by e-mailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Take our service pledge to show your involvement!

Fort Wayne is a proud supporter of the Clear Choices Clean Water program. This program features an interactive website sharing resources related to a variety of topics including volunteer services. The most exciting part of the website is a pledge feature where you can show the community that you are taking action to improve water quality by volunteering - whether you are marking storm drains, giving presentations to local organizations or schools, participating in stream clean-ups, or doing a variety of other volunteer actions. By taking the pledge, you will be connected to City or other programs and events aimed at raising awareness about water quality. The website's mapping feature also allows you to see who else in your area is volunteering to make a difference!