Non-Common Wage Projects  Contractors working on non-federally funded construction projects are not required to follow common construction wage rates, however; they are required to submit the following forms:

Projects Forms

  1. A list of subcontractors and suppliers on the contractor's letterhead must be submitted to the Vendor Compliance office. The list should include lower-tier subcontractors and suppliers and should be submitted prior to the start of construction. The contractor shall not contract with a subcontractor or supplier who has been suspended or debarred by the State or the City of Fort Wayne.

  2. Monthly Employment Report - due from the prime and all subcontractors for each month work is performed on the project. This form references employee work hours by trade based on race and sex.

  3. Manpower Utilization Summary Report - due from the prime contractor within 10 days after completion of the project. This report comprises all firms who performed work on the project and includes the total number of work force hours broken down by race and sex. Minority, Women and Emerging Business Enterprise contract dollar amount and participation percentage is included.

  4. EBE Waiver Request  Pursuant to Executive Order 90-01 (as amended 11-5-18), the City of Fort Wayne has established a goal that 10% of  the contract dollar amount on construction projects should be utilized for the participation of Emerging Business Enterprises (EBE).  In the event that a contract contains a scope of work which cannot be performed by a qualified EBE, or the work subcontracted to an EBE falls short of 10%, the City of Fort Wayne shall allow the goal to be met through supplemental use of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) certified by the State of Indiana Department of Transportation or Minority and Women Business Enterprises certified by the Indiana Department of Administration. If the prime contractor was unable to meet the 10% EBE goal, they must submit a waiver reduction request.

Emerging Business Enterprise Directory

All certified Emerging Business Enterprise businesses are included in the City's EBE Directory. The EBE Directory is included in bid documents so that contractors can identify subcontractors to meet the City's 10% EBE goal.

pdfEBE Directory July 2024



Certification of Non-Segregated Facilities

All bidders must certify that they will not maintain or provide for their employees any segregated facilities at any of his/her establishments and that they will not permit their employees to perform any services at any location under his/her control where segregated facilities are maintained. The bidder agrees that a breach of this certification will be a violation of the Equal opportunity clause in any contract resulting from acceptance of any bid.

As used in certification the term "segregated facilities" means any waiting room, work area, restrooms and washrooms, restaurant or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation and housing facilities provided for employees which are segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin, because of habit, local custom, or otherwise. All bidders must agrees that (except where the bidder has obtained identical certification from proposed subcontractors for specific time periods.) He or she will obtain identical certification from proposed subcontractors prior to the award of subcontracts exceeding $10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of the equal opportunity clause and that he or she will retain such certification in his files. To fill out an annual report to become certified complete the application. The penalty for making false statements in offers is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. 1001

The City of Fort Wayne encourages the participation of minority, women owned and emerging business enterprises in City construction contracts to create jobs and opportunities for citizens of this community. In addition to meeting Federal goals for minority and women owned businesses, the City has its own economically disadvantaged business program.

The City of Fort Wayne has a goal that each contractor awarded a construction contract subcontract at least 10% of the contract amount to a certified Emerging Business Enterprise.

What is an Emerging Business?
A small business concern that is owned, operated and controlled by one or more economically disadvantaged individuals. An emerging business:

  • Must be at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by an economically disadvantaged owner-operator,
  • Have annual gross receipts not exceeding the following tiers: 
    • Five million dollars ($5,000,000) for 0-5 years in business
    • Eight million dollars ($8,000,000) for 6-10 years in business
    • Ten million dollars ($10,000,000) for 11-15 years in business
  • Been in specific field of operation 15 years or less.

How to Apply for Certification
To become certified, business owners must complete the City of Fort Wayne's Emerging Business Enterprise Request for Certification application.

  1. Complete the application
    Provide complete information. Do not leave any item blank. If a section does not apply to your firm indicate this by writing "N/A" or "Not Applicable."

    Applications are in the form of sworn affidavits. Remember to sign the last page and have it notarized if submitting via mail.

  2. Collect supporting documentation
    It is important to include the supporting documentation requested. Applications submitted without this documentation will not be reviewed until documentation is submitted.

  3. Submit online or send the complete package to:

City of Fort Wayne
Vendor Compliance
200 East Berry Street, Suite 490
Fort Wayne, IN 46802

Contractors working on federally funded construction projects are required to comply with the wage rates established by the federal government. The wage and fringe benefit rates are a minimum and shall not prevent the contractor from paying a higher rate or pay or fringe benefits. In the event the prime or any subcontractor fails to comply with appropriate employee wage rate, action will be taken to satisfy the wage discrepancy. This includes the withdrawal of the dollar amount due from a progress payment or/or the withholding of the final retainage payment.

The prime contractor will also be required to submit the following forms:

Projects Forms

  1. A list of subcontractors and suppliers on the contractor's letterhead must be submitted to the Vendor Compliance office. The list should include lower-tier subcontractors and suppliers and should be submitted prior to the start of construction. The contractor shall not contract with a subcontractor or supplier who has been suspended or debarred by the State or the City of Fort Wayne.

  2. xlsMonthly Employment Report - due from the prime and all subcontractors for each month work is performed on the project. This form references employee work hours by trade based on race and sex.

  3. xlsWage Scale Report – the prime contractor and all subcontractors must submit prior to the start of construction. 

  4. pdfCertified Weekly Payroll– the prime contractor and all subcontractors must submit certified weekly payrolls no later than 7 work days upon completion of the week. 

  5. docxManpower Utilization Summary Report- due from the prime contractor within 10 days after completion of the project. This report comprises all firms who performed work on the project and includes the total number of work force hours broken down by race and sex. Minority, Women and Emerging Business Enterprise contract dollar amount and participation percentage is included.

  6. docxMBE/WBE Waiver Request – if the prime contractor was unable to meet the EBE/MBE/WBE goal, they must submit a waiver reduction request.

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