Online comment page posted for proposed 2009 Fort Wayne Police Budget
Following a request from Councilman Tim Pape at Tuesday's City Council meeting, the City of Fort Wayne has posted an online comment form about the proposed 2009 budget for the Fort Wayne Police Department.
The comment form links to the budget and asks for feedback about what the Police Department's budget priorities should be. All comments will be sent to City Council members, who are currently reviewing Mayor Tom Henry's 2009 City budget for approval.
“The public should have a chance to comment on the police budget because of its importance in public safety and judge the cost and importance of the expenditures compared to the value of the police protection provided,” said Councilman Pape. “It's the City's largest single department. We cannot cut costs substantially without taking officers off the street. That is the choice.”
The Police Department comprises 33 percent of the property-tax supported budget while providing a critical public-safety service for every resident of Fort Wayne. The department has 460 sworn officers, 35 full-time civilian employees and 418 take-home vehicles.
The comment page can be found here or by clicking on slide No. 4 on the homepage at The police budget is online at here.