March 22, 2017 - Mayor Tom Henry today shared his concerns about federal budget proposals that could negatively impact essential services in the City of Fort Wayne.

Mayor Henry’s news conference included community leaders from several local organizations that could face service cuts. Earlier in the day, Mayor Henry hosted a convening with the leaders to discuss federal budget matters that could affect local service providers. 

Examples of possible impacts in Fort Wayne:
*Potential loss of $1.8 million yearly in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and $775,000 yearly in HOME Investment Partnerships Program dollars to support residents of low- or moderate-incomes to help provide safe and affordable housing, necessary infrastructure, vital services and public facilities for our residents.

*Cuts to essential services - transportation, schools, public broadcasting, social service agencies and neighborhoods. 

“I continue to be encouraged by the momentum and investments we’re experiencing. By working together, we’ve positioned Fort Wayne as a point of destination for individuals, families and businesses. We’re a community that’s on the move and ready to make a lasting impact. However, recent budget proposals and discussions in Washington are cause for concern,” said Mayor Henry. “We’re urging Congress to oppose any reductions to programs and initiatives that help build better and stronger communities,” said Mayor Henry.