May 31, 2017 -- Mayor Tom Henry joined Public Works’ staff members and students and staff from Study Elementary to break ground for new sidewalks at Justin Study Park. The sidewalks will connect more than 100 homes and provide students with a safe walking route to school. 

Sidewalks, which will connect five subdivisions to three entrance points at Study Park and connect to the school, will be built this summer. 

“Sidewalk connections are vital to the current and future success of Fort Wayne,” said Mayor Henry. “A collective commitment to making investments that result in safe places for children and adults to walk is critical in our efforts to be a point of destination city for individuals, families and businesses.”

“Each day dozens of Study Elementary students walk or ride their bikes to school from neighborhoods on the other side of Study Park. The addition of these sidewalks will make traveling to school faster and safer,” Study Principal Timothy Bobay said. “We appreciate the city’s investment in these new sidewalks.”

The $42,990 investment comes from the 2017 Public Works infrastructure fund and is not part of the proposal to adjust the local income tax to enhance neighborhood sidewalks and alleys and riverfront development. If the income tax is adjusted, projects that would be made possible through that change would begin in 2018.

The City's Public Works staff has been working closely with the Fort Wayne Community Schools to improve safety and connectivity and today’s announcement is a direct result of those efforts.

"Our transportation network is not only for vehicles, but for pedestrians and bicyclists. Connecting neighborhoods and improving the city’s walkability for residents is essential for our community,” said Mario Trevino, Manager of Transportation Engineering Services for the City of Fort Wayne.  "Our commitment to creating safe and functional public spaces not only connects students to schools, it strengthens neighborhoods and our transportation network.”

Over the past ten years, Fort Wayne’s pedestrian infrastructure has grown tremendously. The City's trail network has increased by 40 miles and we have built 38 miles of new sidewalks.  

The project is being constructed by BoMack Construction and is scheduled for completion in late July and in time for the new school year.

About Public Works
The Public Works Division makes Fort Wayne livable by maintaining and improving the City’s transportation systems; street and traffic lighting; greenway trails; and the city’s fleet. It provides leaf collection, street sweeping, snow and ice control; flood fighting and control; and solid waste and recycling collection.

About Study Elementary
Study Elementary School was built in 1926 and was recently renovated.  The school is named for Justin Nelson Study, a former superintendent of Fort Wayne Community Schools from 1896 until his death 1917. He started his career as a teacher and served as superintendent in Indiana schools for 46 years. He also served for 22 years on the State Board of Education.

About Justin Study Park
The land for Study Park was purchased for the Justin Study playground