April 21, 2022 - The 2022 Trek the Trails season begins Tuesday, April 26th at 6:00 p.m. in the Salomon Farm Park Old Barn. This special event also includes a Trails Kickoff Party, hosted by Fort Wayne Trails Inc., immediately following the bike ride, also in the Old Barn. The bike ride is expected to end at approximately 7:15 p.m.
Tickets for the Kickoff Party cost $10 and may be purchased before the event at https://fwt.donorwrangler.com/donate/?id=19. Tickets will be available at the event, as well.
Trek the Trails will continue weekly through October and the community is encouraged to join the City of Fort Wayne and Fort Wayne Trails every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
Locations for the next 5 rides:
- 5/3/2022: Foster Park (3900 Old Mill Road)
- 5/10/2022: PFW (Parking Lot 10 near Ron Venderly Family Bridge and Coliseum Blvd.)
- 5/17/2022: Covington Elementary School (2430 W. Hamilton Rd.)
- 5/24/2022: Fellowship Missionary Church (2536 E. Tillman Road)
- 5/31/2022: Turnstone (3220 N. Clinton St. – Lot C)
Full schedule of Trek the Trail bike rides: http://www.fortwayneparks.org/trails/news-events.html
Trek the Trails is sponsored by Trek Fort Wayne, Harley Davidson of Fort Wayne, UAW 2209 and Three Rivers Velo Sport.
The new Tread the Trails program, which will usually take place on Thursdays this summer, will also begin Tuesday, April 26, 6:00 p.m. at Salomon Farm. There is no cost to participate in the Trek the Trails bike ride or the Tread the Trails run/walk. All experience levels are welcome and participation is at your own risk.
Tread the Trails is presented by the City of Fort Wayne, the Fort Wayne Running Club, Fort Wayne Trails and the City of New Haven.
The Fort Wayne Area Trails Network consists of nearly 129 miles of trails, with 97.4 miles inside City limits. Most of the trails in City limits are planned, designed, constructed and maintained by the City of Fort Wayne, under the leadership of Mayor Tom Henry.