December 8, 2022 - Mayor Tom Henry has recognized milestone years of service for 75 City of Fort Wayne employees.
“City of Fort Wayne employees are committed to providing excellent services to residents, neighborhoods, and businesses,” said Mayor Henry. “It’s a highlight each year to recognize employees for their years of outstanding public service. By working together, Fort Wayne is an award-winning community that’s positioned for current and future success.”
The following individuals were honored:
45 years
James Berning, Radio Shop
40 years
Timothy Bogenschutz, Police
35 years
Jeffrey Burton, Police
William Murphy, Traffic Engineering
Arthur Norton, Police
Katherine Pargmann, Parks and Recreation
Tesera Trimble-Holloway, Police
30 years
Michael Adams, Fire
Michele Arnold, Water Pollution Control Maintenance
Shawn Atkinson, Water Maintenance
Douglas Brewer, Water Maintenance
Richard Byrd, Fire
Julie Ebbing, Street Department
Sondra Falcone, Water Maintenance
Timothy Gallaway, Water Pollution Control Plant
Eric Harris, Citizen Services
James Kohrman, Fire
Douglas Mounsey, Fire
Kevin Owen, Water Maintenance
Kari Ramsey, Fire Civilians
Patrick Riley, Fire Dept
JC Creager Smith, Community Development
25 years
Samuel Adams, Police
Ruben Alvarez, Water Maintenance
Patsy Alvarez, Water Pollution Control Plant
Brian Armstrong, Fire
Wyman Ashford, Fire
David Botas, Fire
Hollis Burton, Police
Karen Butler, Transportation Administration
Kaye Callow, Landscape & Horticulture
William D'Alessandro, Fire
Brandt Douglas, Fire
Bernard Ebetino, Police
Mary Flohr-Hyndman, Police Civilians
Gary Gatchell, Street Department
Mark Gerardot. Police
Michael Gore, Parks & Recreation
John Greenlee, Police
Todd Hattery, Fire
John Heidenreich, Fire
John Helmsing, Police
Geneori Hogan, Fire
Neil Hudson, Fire
Matthew Hughes, Fire
Andrew Irick, Police
Raymond Kelley, Street Department
Michael Koehlinger, Neighborhood Code
John Kreiger, Police
Randy Lamley, Street Department
Shane Lee, Police
Sandra Lewis, City Utilities Customer Support
Scott Merkle, Fire
Karen Morris, City Utilities Customer Support
Steven Neal, Fire
J Matthew Newbauer, Police
Andrew Nieberding, Fire
Chad Pattee, Fire
Matthew Peckham, Fire
David Peterson, Park and Recreation
Gwendolyn Peterson, Police Civilians
Holly Petzak, Redevelopment
Michael Poiry, Fire
Andrew Ramsey , Fire
Steven Siddall, Water Pollution Control Maintenance
Paul Spoelhof, Community Development
Donald Stabler, Street
Roy Sutphin, Police
Clayton Taylor, Police
Jeffrey Vachon, Water Pollution Control Plant
Fred Waltenburg, Street Department
Heidi Williams, City Utilities Customer Support
Brian Williams, Police
Kyra Woods, Police
Mark Young, Fire