January 8, 2024 - The City of Fort Wayne’s Community Development Division announced today that the 2024 Neighborhood Improvement Grant program is open and accepting applications. This is the seventh consecutive year for the program, designed to support neighborhood projects by beautifying public spaces and strengthening community identity. The program requires neighborhood leadership to engage their neighbors in discovering what the neighborhood would like to see improved. Each year, the funded projects work to enhance aesthetics and increase civic pride in neighborhoods throughout the community.
Any Fort Wayne neighborhood association registered with the City can apply for the Neighborhood Improvement Grant with a maximum grant amount of $5,000. Examples of projects include (but are not limited to) community gardens, improvements to community spaces, benches, public art, park improvements, and signage. Expenses such as routine maintenance, social events, or operating expenses are not eligible.
Grant proposals will be evaluated and scored based on grant criteria and available funding. Information and guidelines about the Neighborhood Improvement Grant program can be found at www.FortWayneNeighborhoods.org. Applications are due by 5 p.m. March 8.
Applications can be submitted online or in person at the Community Development Division’s office in Citizens Square, Suite 320, 200 East Berry St. For additional information or assistance completing the neighborhood grant application, please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 260-427-1258.