Registration for Parks' summer youth programs begins in March
March 13: Mail, Fax, Drop Box, On-Line registrations begin
March 23: Walk-in, Phone-in customers can begin registration
Program brochures containing registration forms and detailed information about our summer youth programs and day camps have been distributed through the Parks and Recreation Department facilities, Allen County Public Libraries and the local elementary schools. If you haven't received one yet, you may download a copy of all brochures at
Beginning Monday, March 9th you may call 427'6000 and a brochure will be mailed to you. Registrations will not be accepted prior to March 13th.
Our on-line system allows for more convenient registration and payment, but families are asked to first complete a “Household Set-Up” on-line. This is to register your family, so that they may use this system more easily. This registration also allows for a real-time processing. Registration on-line begins at 12:01am March 13.
Forgot your user name or password? Go to and send us an email with the following:
1. Name of the head of your household
2. Address including zip code
3. Home phone number
4. Names, birthdates and genders of all family members you may want to register
An email with your username and password will then be emailed to you within one business day!
March 13 'On-line:
Fax: completed form to 260-427-6020.
Drop box: 705 E. State Blvd.
Mail: completed form to Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation, 705 E. State Blvd., Fort Wayne IN 46805.
March 23'Register in person: beginning Monday, March 23rd at the Department's main office, 705 E. State Blvd. Hours are 7:30am ' 5:30pm, Monday ' Friday.
For more information, visit or call 427-6000.