There are many benefits to living in an organized neighborhood association. One of those is that associations can organize events needed to keep a neighborhood looking good. Several other benefits come from working with City safety officials, neighborhood code, public works, and community development to keep neighborhoods vibrant, safe, and clean. Most importantly, we know that organized neighborhood associations can help residents get to know one another and improve the quality of life for residents within. 

The city has over 450 RECOGNIZED neighborhood boundaries, although not all are currently organized and registered with the City of Fort Wayne. If you would like to see a map of all recognized neighborhood boundaries, please visit this map

The city does not provide legal services to neighborhoods, you are encouraged to consult legal counsel when forming your association and developing organizational documents.  



  • (This process applies only to voluntary associations without deed restrictions located within the corporate boundaries of the City of Fort Wayne, Indiana). Before initiating the process of modifying or re-establishing an association, please confirm that your voluntary association does not have deed restrictions by contacting the Allen County Recorders Office).
  • Please note that there is no guarantee that the City will recognize an association, these steps however are recommended: 

Step 1: Process Initiation - In order to initiate the process of re-establishing, or modifying an existing neighborhood association the leaders of the new or re-established entity must provide submit a formal letter addressed to the Administrator of the Neighborhood Planning and Activation Workgroup including the following information:

      • Date of request
      • Name and Boundaries of Existing Organization(s)
      • Brief Summary of the Modified/ Reestablished/ Proposed association’s purpose
      • Signature of the proposed new, re-established, or modified association’s Vice President and one additional officer
    • Depending upon which action you are taking
      • If a request to form a new organization by seceding from an existing association, you must submit…
        1. Name and Proposed Boundaries of New Organization
        2. Full names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and titles of the proposed new organization’s executive team (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer)
        3. A letter signed by the existing organization’s president and one additional officer recommending that the Neighborhood Planning & Activation Workgroup Administrator approve the formation of the proposed new association. This letter must be dated and include the name and agreed-upon proposed boundaries of the new association.
        4. Note: Please note that the boundaries proposed by the proposed new association and those mentioned in the letter from the existing neighborhood president must be identical. If there is a discrepancy, Neighborhood Planning and Activation staff will not proceed with the next step in the process until that discrepancy has been resolved and submitted in writing and with appropriate signatures.

      • For a Modified Association, you must submit…
        1. Name and Proposed Boundaries modified association
        2. Full names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and titles of the proposed or existing executive team (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer)
        3. Full names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and titles of the proposed executive team (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) if any differ from those existing
        4. A letter signed by the existing organization’s president and all existing officers recommending that the Neighborhood Planning & Activation Workgroup Administrator approve the proposed modification of the association. This letter must be dated and include the proposed new association boundaries.
        5. If applicable- A letter signed by the President and at least one officer of any other Neighborhood Association whose boundaries would be revised/impacted by the modified association’s recommending that the Neighborhood Planning & Activation Workgroup Administrator approve the proposed modification of the association. Letters must be dated and confirm the proposed boundaries of the proposed modified association.
        6. Note: Please note that the boundaries proposed by the proposed modified association and those mentioned in the letter(s) from another existing neighborhood president must be identical. If there is a discrepancy, NPAW staff will not proceed with the next step in the process until that discrepancy has been resolved and submitted in writing and with appropriate signatures.
      • For a Re-establishing Association, submit…
        1. Full names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and titles of the existing executive team (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer)
        2. Full names, addresses, and titles of the proposed executive team (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) if any differ from those existing
        3. A letter signed by all proposed officers of the organization recommending that the Neighborhood Planning & Activation Workgroup Administrator approve the re-establishment of the association. This letter must be dated.

Step 2: City Due Diligence (90 – 180 days) - Once the process has been initiated, the Neighborhood Planning and Activation Workgroup team will begin the internal due diligence process. (This process can take 3-6 months). Once the process is concluded, a Neighborhood Planning and Activation Workgroup representative will provide their findings and recommendations to the affected neighborhood association(s).

Step 3 (up to 180 days): Once staff recommendations have been considered and- if necessary– addressed. The proposed new, re-established, or modified association will need to submit the following items to the Neighborhood Planning and Activation Workgroup Administrator within 180 days…

      • Re-establishing associations will need to submit…
        1. a copy of their association’s bylaws for review/ approval
        2. a boundary map confirming the association's proposed boundaries
        3. Signatures of all four officers indicating their willingness to serve for at least one election cycle.
      • Associations Modifying their boundaries will need to submit
        1. a copy of their association’s bylaws for review/ approval
        2. a boundary map confirming the association's proposed boundaries
        3. Signatures of all four officers indicating their willingness to serve for at least one election cycle.
        4. Signatures and/or support letters from 51% of the households and businesses located within the effected area of the modification indicating their support of the revised neighborhood boundaries. (Full names, addresses, and signatures must be present for each letter and signature to count.)

Step 4: Final City Review (30 days) - Once the final set of documents has been received, NPAW staff will review all materials and either approve or conditionally approve the new association if all requirements have been met.