pdf9-25-24 La recolección de hojas comenzará el 28 de octubre (Spanish Translation)

pdf9-26-24 သစ်ရွက်ေကာက်ြခင်းကိ.ေအာက်တိ.ဘာလ ၂၈ရက်ေနတွင် ့ စတင်မည်ြဖစ်ပါသည်  (Burmese Translation) 


Beginning October 28, the Fort Wayne Street Department will collect leaves in the City’s more than 400 neighborhoods. This year’s leaf pick-up will run through December 13, but weather conditions or the volume of leaves in a particular area may cause the planned schedule to shift slightly.


To keep residents informed of any changes in the schedule, leaf collection updates will be provided daily before 3:00 p.m.


The daily updates will include what neighborhood the crews will be working in the following day. Additionally, residents have the option to call 260-427-2302 to hear recorded daily updates. 


There will be no leaf collection on November 11 for Veterans Day or November 28 -29 for the Thanksgiving holiday. 


Residents are asked to rake leaves to the curb or park strip in front of their home, but not in the street. Leaves should be in the pick-up area by Monday at 7:00 a.m. on the collection week. 


To help make leaf pick-up most effective for your neighborhood, please keep the following in mind:

      • Rake leaves to the park strip by 7am on the first day of the week when crews will be in your area.
      • Don't put leaves in your trash or recycling cart.  This is against State of Indiana law.
      • Don't burn leaves.  It's a violation of City Code and can result in a fine.
      • Don't place leaves in the street.
      • Don't place leaves in storm drains.
      • Parents should remind children not to play in leaf piles near the street for safety and to assist motorists. 



  •  Just place your leaves in brown paper biodegradable leaf bags, set them at the curb and call 311 to schedule a pick-up. (This service is ONLY offered during Leaf Season)

  • The leaf bags will be collected within two business days of your call to 311.
  • Weather conditions or the volume of leaves in a particular area may cause the planned schedule to change.
  • This list of pick-up locations will be updated daily by 3:00 p.m.
  • Call the Leaf Hotline 427-2302 for a daily update or if you have questions contact the Citizens Services Center at 311. 
  • 2022 Leaf Map Small
    For a larger version of this map please pdfclick here.


NOV. 12 - NOV. 15 OCT. 28 - NOV. 1 NOV. 4 - NOV. 8
DEC 9 - DEC. 13 NOV. 18 - NOV. 22 DEC. 2 - DEC. 6


hhe  Public Work 

 The 2024 Leaf Season has concluded.