The Division maintains and improves the city’s transportation systems; street and traffic lighting; leaf collection, street sweeping, snow and ice control; flood fighting and control; greenway trails, solid waste and recycling; and the city’s fleet.
Responsibility for managing the various departments listed below resides with the Director of Public Works.
- To contact the director, call (260) 427-1172 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- To view the Public Works Division organizational chart
click here
- View Employment Opportunities HERE
The Board of Public Works office supports the various departments within the Division. This department manages administrative functions for neighborhood improvement petitions, maintains records and distributes bid specifications for various construction projects. Further information about the Board of Public Works Office can be viewed HERE.
The City Engineer's Office coordinates the transportation project development. Further information about the City Engineer's Office can be viewed HERE.
This department administers the contract for the maintenance of most of the City's fleet of vehicles and equipment. The Fleet Director also helps develop policies for the use of city vehicles and helps departments develop vehicle replacement programs Further information about the Fleet Management Department can be viewed HERE. |
Under direction of the City Engineer the Flood Control Department is responsible for implementing flood fighting strategies by constantly monitoring and maintaining 12 plus miles of flood protection to ensure Fort Wayne residents & property are protected during flood emergencies. The department also helps fund the acquisition of properties to turn into flood storage areas Further information about the Flood Control Department can be viewed HERE.
The primary functions of the Greenways & Trails Department include project development and management, overseeing volunteer programs, event administration and coordinating trail maintenance and improvements. The Greenways & Trails Department works with our non-profit partner, Fort Wayne Trails, Inc., to plan, fund, promote and advocate for existing and future trails. For information on the trail system, trail detours and closures, current trail projects, events like Trek theTrails and volunteer opportunities, please check out the TRAILS PAGE on the Parks & Recreation Website.
This department includes the Right-of-Way Permit Office, where barricade and other construction-related permits are obtained for using or building in City-owned right-of-way property. Further information about the Right of Way Department can be viewed HERE.
This department administers the City's two solid waste-related contracts for garbage and recycling pick-up, disposal and processing. It also promotes neighborhood cleanup programs, recycling and other important environmental issues/programs. Further information about the Solid Waste Management Department can be viewed HERE.
The Street Department provides street and alley maintenance, picks-up leaves and plows snow. Further information about the Street Department can be viewed HERE.
This department designs & maintains the City's street lighting system. Further information about the Street Light Engineering Office can be viewed HERE.
Designing traffic flow improvements and maintaining traffic-related infrastructure are part of this department's duties. This department is also in charge of the Sign Shop, Signal Shop and Banner Display. Further information about the Traffic Engineering Department can be viewed HERE. |
This department provides civil engineering functions which support the design and construction of street, curb, sidewalk and other transportation-system improvement projects. Further information about the Transportation Engineering Services Department can be viewed HERE.
The Division of Public Works strives to ensure safe and accessible routes for City of Fort Wayne residents and visitors who travel by foot or vehicle, for business or recreation. We believe that streets, sidewalks, and trails are a key part of the community of Fort Wayne. The Public Works family is proud to open the streets for a day of engagement and fun to be enjoyed by families, individuals, and visitors. |
Contact us or learn more about the next annual Open Streets event HERE. |
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