State Boulevard Improvement Project
The State Boulevard improvement project was approved by the Fort Wayne City Council in 2009. The project is receiving 80% of its funding from the Federal Highway Administration. As part of the Federal process a required public hearing offers all interested persons an opportunity to comment on the environmental document, 800.11 (e) documentation for Section 106, and preliminary design plans for the proposed project. The hearing was on Wednesday June 18, 2014, at 6pm at the North Side High School cafeteria. Click here to review Section 106.
The process allows residents to make public comments that will be reocrded and later addressed in writing. The comments and answers will become part of the official document submitted to the Federal Highway Administration. Residents can submit comments or ask questionsin writing for 30 days after the hearing by writing - Briana Hope, American Structurepoint, Inc., 7260 Shadeland Station, Indianapolis, Indiana 46256, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The City of Fort Wayne Division of Public Works has been meeting with residents and interested parties on the project since 2008. Many of the preliminary design aspects have come directly from the input we've received at those meetings. These include enhancements to trail connectivity, lighting, landscaping, sidewalks and preservation of the existing State Boulevard for the neighborhood.
The project will improve safety for motorists and pedestrians, reduce vehicle emissions by creating a better traffic flow and decreasing idling time, replace an 80-year-old bridge that is rated as one of the worst in Allen County and reduce flooding in the area by creating additional green-space.